Lavanya was born in a small district called Thrissur in Kerala but has lived all her life in Chennai. She has close to 25 years of experience in Diversity and Inclusion Consulting, Training Solutions, HR, Project Management and Business Operations. She is a certified Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace (POSH) enabler and an authorised resource person with the Ministry of Women & Child Care Development, Government of India. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies like IBM, HP and Mphasis. She has had extensive exposure through her travels in the US, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Thailand and Srilanka. In late 2020, she was a part of the 3rd cohort of women in the IIM Bangalore-NSRCEL Entrepreneurship program sponsored by GoldMan Sachs and reached the semi-final level of the final 10.
Her company SStraight Circles was established in Dec 2017 and was a soft skills training and implementation company. Effective Jan 2021, they became a Diversity and Inclusion Ecosystem. Project InQlude is their social arm where they run initiatives including - creating awareness in educational institutions on Child Sexual Harassment (PoCSO); spreading awareness on inclusivity and LGBTQ+; and creating entrepreneurship opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Women and Transgenders.
"Through this Leadership for Growth Program, I would like to be mentored and learn how to set up Project InQlude as an NGO or a social enterprise, create a sustainable path based on our vision and be recognized as a Global entity for bringing in Change!"